Carrum Coast Guard – Around the River (12km)
February 25th 2018
Come join us for the fifth annual Coast Guard Around the River Fun Run. This year we are running 6 km Run/Walk and 12 km Run only events. There will also be a full range of family entertainment including free 100 m kids run. A prize will be awarded for the best fancy dress. All proceeds go directly to support the Carrum Coast Guard. Participant package pick up and on-day registration: 7:00 am. Start: 8:30 am. Again this year:
-Electronic timing bibs
-Enhanced water stations
-Bouncing Castle
-and much more
Pre-race -
It’s been a long
time between races! Last year (July 2017), my dog knocked me over and I was diagnosed
with a proximal tibiofibular joint sprain and associated ITB friction syndrome.
Unfortunately I was out for months! I missed several events that I’d already
entered and most significantly I had to withdraw from Comrades (South Africa).
I was heartbroken.
I survived without running. I focused on strength training and rehabilitation. I
worked hard and spent time with my family. I was happy (but missed running).
October, my health (hormones) took a turn for the worse. This affected my physical and mental health and ability to survive without running. Luckily I was permitted
to return to running in December. Thank God! My running increased steadily (even though my hormones continued on a
downward trajectory). January I ran just over 100km and February I managed
over 200km. Things were improving (running wise).
night before the Carrum Coast Guard run, I was looking up running events on the
Australian Running Calendar. I wanted to test my fitness. I convinced my
husband to run the 12km distance with me (and enlisted my father-in-law to mind
our boys).
Race day -
We arrived with about 30min to spare and collected our race bibs.
The event began at 8:30am (respectable hour especially when we live only 20min
away). We bumped into a couple of local
friends (including lovely Lynda) and said hello. We warmed up and made our way
to the start line in time for the starting gun.
There’s not much to say about the course… It’s two laps of
Patterson River (crossing over at the bridge at Nepean Hwy). It’s flat, easy
and relaxed. Brad and I started around 5:20min/km pace and increased slightly.
We paced well. I didn’t have any expectations because it was a last minute decision
to enter the event. I’d maintained 5:40min/km pace during my training runs so holding
5:20min/km (or slightly quicker) was great! After a steady 12km, Brad and I
crossed the finish line in 1hr 19sec (5:10min/km). I was really happy.
Race feedback
and will there be a next time
Carrum Coast Guard
12km is a fantastic time-trial event! The course is flat and easy. I will most
likely run it again. It is local, affordable and manageable. And it was a great
confidence booster for me!
Trailology – Sharpy’s Beer Run 10km
March 17th 2018
Starting and ending at the iconic Pig and Whistle Tavern on Arthurs Seat, Trailology proudly presents a 10km and 21km premium trail running event in celebration of the sacred bond between mankind, trails, running, and beer. Choose a 10k meander through the beautiful state park, perfect for those new to trail running or wanting to simply enjoy the spectacular scenery and soak up the silliness that only this event can provide.
Or... take on the 21km course which
not only adds a little distance but also some difficulty in terms of climbing
and falling (I mean descending) to the route. Start either run with a carb
loaded liquid energy drink (beer) at the start line before heading off to enhance
your connection with the land, or skip the pre-run imbibing and wait until you
cross the finish line to reward your reward-worthy effort. Or if you don't
drink at all, that's fine, the Church of Trailology loves you anyway.
Enjoy the trails at your own pace, or challenge yourself for a
position on the podium… 1st, 2nd
or 3rd… or perhaps 1-Firssshht, 2-Shheckend, or 3-Thhirsst depending
on your pre-run fuel strategy!
addition to the fun and frivolity at the Start / Finish area, there will be
more crazy surprises along the course to keep you not only entertained, but
wetting your pants laughing - it is God's will. Celebrate your triumph and cheer on your fellow trailites with
some fine ale and delicious food, served in style by The Pig and Whistle Tavern. Entries are strictly limited to 600
Pre-race -
I decided to enter
Sharpy’s Beer Run 10km back in 2017. I’d been injured for months… but hoped I’d
be okay to run 10km by March! In 2016, I ran the 21km and I volunteered in
2017. And I’m friends with Deb Sharp (RD).
Three weeks before,
I actually ended up running Carrum Coast Guard 12km. It wasn’t planned but it
certainly gave me the confidence I needed to run Sharpy’s 10km trail run. I
knew the 10km course wasn’t as hilly as the 21km. It started in the same spot
in Main Ridge (at the brewery), and ran up Purves Rd, then down, around and up
the top of Arthurs Seat. Then back to
the Pig and Whistle.
I organised my mum
to mind our boys and take them to their school carnival. Secretly I was glad I
didn’t have to go to the carnival. (In
the few weeks prior, I had hormonal-related pain and depression… this time, the black dog was fierce enough to keep me from doing
anything… just the thought of a social event was unbearable.)
I wanted to take
part in the run but I was nervous about the social aspect. I decided to run it anyway.
Race day -
Race pack collection started at 9am, the 21km event started at
10:30am and the 10km started at 11am. I arrived about 10:30am, picked up my bib
and waited in the back stalls for the race to begin. I bumped into two good
friends (Caz and Chris) and had a quick chat. The weather was warm and sunny
(perfect conditions for me).
I started towards
the back of the pack so the first few kilometres were slow (6:30min/km), and I
had to walk where there was congestion. It was single-track, trail (off to the
side of Purves Rd) until we were close to the top of Arthurs Seat. We veered
off to the left into a wide grassed area. It was here that I could stride out
and start to make up ground. I had no intentions of racing this event, but I
wanted to find my natural rhythm. We ran a couple of hundred metres until we
turned off to the left again and followed a single-track around and around. I
liked this section of the course. It was scenic, green and interesting. The
ground was covered in sticks, bark and tree roots (exactly what you’d expect on
a trail).
We came to a wider
section again and ran uphill slightly until I saw the lovely Trish (and her
daughter) manning a checkpoint. Trish told me I was third female. I ran a
little further and saw Les (and… was that a beer?) but I continued running,
choosing not to stop for a drink. I hadn’t had any alcohol in weeks (depression thing). I ran down and around in
a circle and hit the Two Bays trail. It was only a taste-tester but it was nice to be back. I hadn’t run this section of the trail for months…
maybe even a year?! I followed the path and ran back up until I briefly saw
Trish again. Her words of encouragement helped me continue running up the hill!
The course started to flatten out and I headed towards the single-track
section that returned to the brewery. The last few kilometres I sat on
5:15min/km pace. I felt relaxed and comfortable. I crossed the finish line in
55min (and third female).
Post race -
As soon as I
crossed the line, I saw Chris and had a post-run chat. I was pretty happy with
finishing under 60min. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for presentations because
my eldest son had his basketball semi-finals. I thanked Deb for a fantastic
event and hit the frog and toad.
Race feedback
and will there be a next time
I thoroughly
enjoyed Sharpy’s Beer Run 10km. It was the perfect event to return to running
(even though I did end up running Carrum Coast Guard run too). I love the
trails (Two Bays trail in particular) and I will always support a local event.
The bling was pretty cool too. I highly recommend this event!